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Kid Mayor lets Lenny Curry take a break

Updated: Nov 5, 2018

Nov. 1, 2018 - Fourth-grade Central Riverside student, Micah Hall, took control of City Hall for the afternoon after being proclaimed official Kid Mayor for the day by Mayor Lenny Curry.

Hall was the lucky student chosen by his teachers, the city and Mayor Curry to spend the afternoon getting a behind-the-scenes look at being mayor for the city of Jacksonville.

First business of the day was a short Q&A with Mayor Curry himself. Hall took his place behind the mayor's desk and asked a list of questions, many of which were given to him from his classmates.

The two mayors bonded over their love of basketball, football and math.

Central Riverside teacher Lisa Bond watched proudly alongside Hall's family. She was just one of Micah's teachers to nominate him for the exclusive experience.

"He's very well-spoken and so smart," said Bond. "He visited the school board twice and always gives 120 percent to what he does."

Quickly, Hall and Curry moved to a conference room to speak with the press and sign a formal letter of proclamation officiating him Kid Mayor for the day.

The rest of the day for both mayors was strictly business. Mayor Hall helped Mayor Curry proclaim six awareness days for the month of October, hand out honorary pins to staff members and take a tour of City Hall.

"I feel accomplished with myself," Mayor Hall said.

As far as his long-term goals, Hall hopes to one day be a basketball player or math teacher. For now, Kid Mayor will have to do.


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